Tamiya 1/48th Panther and Wargaming vehicle roundup

Just some wargaming tat ……..

A mix of 1/48th (Mostly Tamiya) vehicles completed for wargaming use and now mainly being used for Bolt Action. Various styles but primarily all in my older and darker finish. Just posted for a bit of fun but it makes me want to pick up and paint a few more, especially now I can improve on some things. Heck maybe even push them around over the fur table as well 🙂

Its probably easier just to list those that aren’t Tamiya ….. so all are Tamiya except;
– The Wespe and Opel Maultier are Bandai
– The Opel Blitz’s’ are some unknown Chinese diecast off E-Bay
– The lone M4A3 76(W) Sherman is from Hobbyboss
– There’s a Skybow Tiger1 late
– And the 3 SdKfz251 SPWs are from WGNZ, the only vehicles (along with the Blitz’s)
that aren’t really kits (just 12 parts)


tam48 bolt action g205 1300 sep4

tam48 bolt action g206 1300

StugIIIG Tamiya4 g210 1300

tam48 bolt action g204 1300

tam48 bolt action g218 1400

MarderII Tamiya48 g230 1300

Tiger1 Skybow g220 1400

Super Pershing Tamiya48 g226 1400

tam48 bolt action g216 1300

M10 Tamiya g222 1300

Wespe n Maul Bandai g203-2 1300

StugIIIG Tamiya48 g208 1300

SdKfz222 Tamiya48 g228 1300

tam48 bolt action g217 1400

Tiger n Opel Tamiya48 g203-2 1300

tam48 bolt action g207 1300

tam48 bolt action g212 1400

tam48 bolt action g202 1300

tam48 bolt action g211 1300

tam48 bolt action g213 1400

tam48 bolt action g215 1300

tam48 bolt action g214-2 1400

tam48 bolt action g205 1300

Groups and Compilations – volume 1

Commission Battlegroup collections …..

I think I mentioned a few posts back that I was cleaning up some old pics. I’ve sorted out a few which show only groups of vehicles, all commission projects. While some are re-posts and appear in the blog under separate headings, I thought it might be interesting to see them all together …… I’ve probably got enough pictures to make three of these posts so bear with me.

ps all 20mm unless otherwise noted ….


21st Pz 066 1440

21st Pz 065 1440

9RTR 065 1440

11th armd 065 1440

Recce 066 1440

Recce 065 1440

#rd Hussars and 142nd FA  066 1440

#rd Hussars and 142nd FA  065 1440

LAH PzJgrIVs 065 1440

DSC01281-2LAH PzIVs 1440

3ID AT 065 1250

11th armd recce 065 1440

LAH battlegroup  011

Some 1/48th groups …..

148th 11th armd Shermans 900grp 1

148th Sovs 075 1440