SPETSNAZ – Empress Miniatures 28mm conversions for FIRETEAM

Spetsnaz conversions …….

Some wicked Spetsaz in Gorka (mountain – windproof) uniforms which hopefully will see use in our Fireteam skirmish games. They’re being made by our friend Jon (and are from his collection) who’s also a superb painter and a bit of a Soviet nutter. The figures are made from Empress Modern Russians with head swaps (plastic from the Perry Africa Corps set) and the odd equipment embellishment made from greenstuff.

They’re painted in the universal windproof Gorka combat suit which comes in quite a range of tans and olive greens and now often with a camouflage patterned shoulder section. I’ve attached a few reference pics filched from the web (for purposes discussion only).

And a quick word about the Spetsnaz as it can be quite confusing knowing who’s who.

In general Spetsnaz is a term globally used to encompass Russian (and Russian and ex-Russian states) special forces. Spetsnaz literally means Special-Purpose (spetsialnogo naznacheniya). Broadly speaking Spetsnaz units fall under the command of three branches;

Spetsnaz GRU – Soviet (Russian) Ministry of Defence special forces
These include Ground Forces, Naval and Airborne Spetsnaz units.

Spetsnaz FSB – State security (KGB-FSB) special forces
Counter terrorist specialist units such as Alpha Group

Spetsnaz MVD – Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) special forces
Internal policing troops such as Special Rapid Response Units (S.O.B.R.) and various local named OSNs (Special Purpose Detachments) such as the 25th OSN Merkuriy (Smolensk).

I might expand on these guys a bit more later as Special Forces are something we’re planning as a FIRETEAM supplement, when we get organised that is, maybe a kickstarter would help, or a kick in the “a….s” more likely 🙂


jspn gk 022

jspn gk 038

jspn gk 030

jspn gk 023

jspn gk 024

jspn gk 036

jspn gk 037

Some Gorka equipped Spetsnaz reference pics (from open source web sources and included for discussion only)

modsov spgorka 22-2

modsov spgorka 222-2

modsov spgorka 233

modsov spgorka 236