E-75 Jagdpanther II development – Project ’46

E-series Jadgpanther II ….

Just playing around with a decent design for the mythical Jadgpanther II development vehicle. When doing my own designs I like to have a little bit (as much as you can with what-if scenarios) of practicality to them and as much as I like the E-50 and 75 series tanks some of the armament ticks the coolness box but wouldn’t work in practise. The E-75 12.8cm gun tank being a case in point as you just couldn’t fit the proposed weapon in there and have reasonable operating room.

And so fitting the 12.8cm into a Panzerjager type chassis makes sense, if it’s also laid out in a way that the weapon and mechanicals make sense. Most Jadgpanther II designs have a superstructure that is too narrow and short, having a similar cubic space as the TigerII turret fitted to the E-75. They also do things like pass the exhaust through to the back which is ergonomically a waste of space and are constrained by keeping 2 traditional driver and radio operator stations in the front hull. I think the radio op position would be better served for storing ammo or machinery in a revised layout.

So in my design the upper hull has a length sufficient to fit and man the weapon, the driver sits semi-reclined in the front left hull and the engine and transmission is front mounted. removing the radio op and reclining the driver allows the drive train to be lower reducing front hull height. There will be a remote mg mount of the upper superstructure and a ball mount on the upper rear hull for self defence.

Overall I think the volume is good although perhaps a little too high still and I might be able to get it half a meter lower yet once I try it on an actual model …


JP2 series compilation  v2